5 Ways to Use Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your Shopify Store

Hey there! As a digital marketing expert, I've seen and tested a plethora of strategies to boost online traffic. From the ever-popular Facebook ads to the influencer-driven world of Instagram, there's a lot out there. But if there's one platform that often flies under the radar, yet holds immense potential for e-commerce, it's Pinterest.

Now, you might be wondering, "Pinterest? Isn't that the platform for recipes and home decor?" Well, that's just scratching the surface. With over 400 million monthly active users, Pinterest is a visual powerhouse. And for Shopify store owners, it's an untapped goldmine.

Here's the deal: Pinterest isn't just about pinning pretty pictures. It's a platform where users actively search, save, and most importantly, plan their purchases. The visual nature of Pinterest makes it a dream come true for showcasing products. And guess what? Those scrolling through Pinterest are often in a buying mindset.

So, if you're looking to diversify your digital marketing strategy or introduce your clients to a platform that can drive significant traffic, you're in the right place. Together, we'll explore the ins and outs of using Pinterest to its full potential for Shopify stores. Ready to dive in? Let's go!

Why Pinterest is a Goldmine for E-commerce

Alright, let's get into the nitty-gritty. You've probably heard the buzz around Pinterest, but let's break down exactly why it's a game-changer for e-commerce.

A Platform of Planners and Purchasers:

First and foremost, Pinterest isn't your typical social media platform. While platforms like Instagram or Facebook are about sharing moments from the past or present, Pinterest is all about the future. Users flock to Pinterest to plan. Whether it's a wedding, a home renovation, or a summer wardrobe refresh, they're pinning with intent. And guess what? That intent often translates to purchasing. In fact, a study found that 83% of weekly Pinners have made a purchase based on Pins they saw from brands. That's a statistic we can't ignore!

Visual Discovery at Its Best:

E-commerce thrives on visuals. And Pinterest? It's a visual-first platform. Users are there to discover and get inspired. This visual discovery means that if your product catches a user's eye, they're more likely to save it, share it, and ultimately, buy it. It's like window shopping, but with an easy path to purchase.

Longevity of Pins:

Here's a fun fact: Unlike a tweet or a Facebook post that has a lifespan of a few hours to a day, a Pin can last for months, even years! This means that a product you pin today could still be driving traffic to your Shopify store months down the line. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

A Search Engine in Disguise:

While many categorize Pinterest as a social media platform, it operates a lot like a search engine. Users come to Pinterest and search for specific items, ideas, or inspiration. By optimizing your pins (we'll dive into this later), you can ensure that your products appear in these searches, putting you right in front of a potential customer.

High Spending Audience:

Pinterest users aren't just any users. They're known to have a higher average income compared to other platforms, which translates to a higher purchasing power. When they find something they love, they're ready and willing to make a purchase.

Integration with Shopify:

To sweeten the deal, Pinterest has made it incredibly easy for Shopify store owners to integrate their product listings. With just a few clicks, your products can be listed on Pinterest, ready to catch the eye of a potential buyer.

In essence, when we talk about Pinterest for e-commerce, we're talking about a platform that aligns perfectly with the buyer's journey. From discovery to consideration, and finally to the purchase, Pinterest guides users seamlessly through each phase. And as digital marketers, that's precisely the kind of journey we want to tap into.

Setting Up Your Pinterest Business Account for Success

Alright, now that we've established the sheer power of Pinterest for e-commerce, let's get down to the practical stuff. Setting up a Pinterest Business Account might sound daunting, but trust me, with the right steps, it's a breeze. And the rewards? Totally worth the effort. Let's dive in:

Why a Business Account, Not a Personal One?

First things first, if you're thinking, "Can't I just use my personal Pinterest account?", the answer is a resounding no. A Business Account offers a plethora of features tailored for marketers and businesses. From rich pins that provide more information about your product to analytics that give insights into pin performance, a Business Account is designed to supercharge your Pinterest marketing efforts.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Business Account:

  1. Start Fresh or Make the Switch: If you're new to Pinterest, you can sign up for a Business Account right off the bat. Already have a personal account? No worries! You can easily convert it to a business one without losing any of your existing pins or boards.
  2. Complete Your Profile: This might sound basic, but it's crucial. Use a recognizable profile picture (like your brand logo), craft a clear and concise bio, and make sure to include a link to your Shopify store. Remember, your profile is your brand's face on Pinterest, so make it count!
  3. Verify Your Website: This step is golden. By verifying your website, you not only boost your brand's credibility on Pinterest but also gain access to website analytics. This means insights into how your content performs on Pinterest and how it drives traffic back to your Shopify store.
  4. Enable Rich Pins: Rich Pins are a game-changer. They pull extra information right from your Shopify store and display it on your pins. This could be product details, prices, or even stock availability. It adds an extra layer of information and professionalism to your pins, making them more clickable and purchase-worthy.
  5. Dive into Pinterest Analytics: Now, I know analytics might sound a tad boring, but trust me, it's where the magic happens. Pinterest Analytics gives you a deep dive into how your pins are performing, who's viewing them, and most importantly, who's clicking through to your Shopify store. And if you're ever in doubt about how to interpret these numbers, consider using Shopify analytics to get a holistic view of your store's performance.

Stay Updated:

Pinterest, like all platforms, evolves. They roll out new features, tools, and best practices. So, make it a point to stay updated. Join Pinterest's official blog or community forums. The more you know, the better you can leverage the platform for your Shopify store.

Setting up your Pinterest Business Account is the foundation of your Pinterest marketing journey. With a well-optimized profile, the right settings, and a keen eye on analytics, you're setting yourself up for success. Ready to move on to the next step? Let's keep the momentum going!

Crafting Pinterest Boards that Resonate with Your Audience

So, you've got your Pinterest Business Account all set up and shiny. Great! But now comes the fun (and crucial) part: creating Pinterest boards that not only showcase your products but also resonate deeply with your target audience. Let's break it down:

Understanding the Essence of a Pinterest Board:

Think of a Pinterest board as a curated collection, a digital mood board if you will. It's not just about pinning products; it's about creating a cohesive theme or story that your audience can connect with. Whether it's "Summer Beach Essentials" or "Minimalist Home Decor," each board should have a clear and engaging theme.

Steps to Craft the Perfect Pinterest Board:

  1. Know Your Audience: Before you even start pinning, take a moment to understand your audience. What are their interests? What aesthetics do they gravitate towards? Dive into your Shopify and Pinterest analytics to get a sense of what resonates with them.
  2. Brainstorm Board Themes: Based on your audience insights, brainstorm potential board themes. Remember, while it's great to have boards dedicated to your products, also think about broader themes that align with your brand and audience's interests. For instance, if you sell fitness gear, a board on "Home Workout Routines" could be a hit.
  3. Craft Engaging Board Titles: Your board title should be clear, catchy, and keyword-optimized. Using relevant keywords ensures that your board is discoverable when users search on Pinterest.
  4. Add Descriptive Board Descriptions: Don't skip this step! A well-written board description, peppered with relevant keywords, can boost your board's visibility and give potential followers a clear idea of what to expect.
  5. Start Pinning with Purpose: As you add pins to your board, ensure they align with the board's theme. Mix in your product pins with other relevant content. For instance, on a "Vegan Dessert Recipes" board, sprinkle in pins of your vegan baking products alongside delicious dessert recipes.
  6. Engage with Your Audience: Encourage your Shopify store visitors and email subscribers to follow you on Pinterest and check out your boards. Engage with comments on your pins, and consider collaborating with influencers or customers by inviting them to pin on your boards.
  7. Regularly Update & Refresh: Pinterest is dynamic. Regularly updating your boards with fresh pins keeps them relevant and engaging. Also, keep an eye on trending topics or seasonal events to create timely boards that capture the moment.

Pro Tip: Consider the visual flow of your board. The colors, aesthetics, and quality of pins should be consistent, creating a visually pleasing experience for anyone who visits.

Crafting Pinterest boards is an art and science combined. It's about understanding your audience, being creative, and leveraging data insights to curate boards that not only showcase your products but also tell a story. And when done right, these boards can become a significant driver of traffic and engagement for your Shopify store. Ready to pin your way to success? Let's do it!

SEO for Pinterest: Making Your Pins Discoverable

If you've dabbled in the world of digital marketing, you know that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is often the unsung hero behind organic traffic. But did you know that Pinterest, while a visual platform, operates a lot like a search engine? That's right! Just like Google or Bing, Pinterest has its own set of algorithms that determine which pins pop up in a user's search or feed. So, let's unravel the mystery of Pinterest SEO and ensure your pins get the spotlight they deserve.

Understanding Pinterest's Search Mechanism:

At its core, Pinterest is about discovery. Users hop onto the platform to find inspiration, ideas, and products. And how do they do this? By searching. This is where SEO comes into play. By optimizing your pins and boards with relevant keywords, you increase the chances of them appearing in these searches.

Steps to Nail Pinterest SEO:

  1. Keyword Research is King: Before you pin, take a moment to research relevant keywords. What are users searching for in your niche? Tools like Pinterest's search suggest feature or even third-party platforms can give you a treasure trove of keyword ideas.
  2. Optimize Your Pin Titles & Descriptions: Once you have your keywords, weave them naturally into your pin titles and descriptions. For instance, if you're selling vegan leather bags and "sustainable fashion" is a trending keyword, a pin title like "Sustainable Fashion: The Best Vegan Leather Bags of 2023" could be a winner.
  3. Don't Forget Your Board Descriptions: Your boards are just as important as your pins. Ensure that your board titles and descriptions are also keyword-optimized to boost their discoverability.
  4. Use Rich Pins: As mentioned earlier, Rich Pins pull additional information from your Shopify store, making your pins more informative. This added layer of information can boost engagement and improve your pin's ranking in search results.
  5. Engage with Your Pins: Pinterest values fresh and engaging content. Regularly pinning new content, engaging with comments, and even repinning popular pins can signal to Pinterest that your content is valuable, boosting its SEO ranking.
  6. Optimize Your Shopify Store for Pinterest: Ensure that your product titles, descriptions, and images on your Shopify store are Pinterest-friendly. This not only ensures that your pins look great but also that they're packed with SEO juice right from the source.
  7. Stay Updated with Pinterest's Algorithm Changes: Just like Google, Pinterest's algorithm isn't static. It evolves. Stay updated with any changes and tweak your SEO strategy accordingly.

Bonus Tip: While keywords are crucial, don't forget the visual aspect of Pinterest. High-quality, visually appealing pins are more likely to get engagement, which in turn can boost their SEO ranking. So, invest in good visuals!

In the vast sea of pins on Pinterest, SEO is your beacon. It ensures that your pins reach your target audience, driving organic traffic back to your Shopify store. And the best part? With the right strategy, the traffic is not just high in volume but also high in quality.

Promoting Your Pinterest on Your Shopify Store

By now, we've established that Pinterest is a powerhouse for driving traffic. But here's the thing: while it's essential to optimize your presence on Pinterest, it's equally crucial to promote your Pinterest presence on your Shopify store. Think of it as a two-way street, each platform amplifying the other. Let's dive into how you can create this symbiotic relationship:

The Benefits of Cross-Promotion:

Before we jump into the how-to, let's understand the why. By promoting your Pinterest on Shopify:

  1. You Engage Your Audience in a New Way: Not all your Shopify visitors might be aware of your Pinterest presence. By introducing them to it, you offer a new platform for them to engage with your brand.
  2. You Boost Your Pinterest Followers: More followers on Pinterest mean more eyes on your pins, leading to increased traffic and potential sales.
  3. You Enhance Social Proof: A prominent Pinterest presence, showcased on your Shopify store, can act as social proof, building trust and credibility.

Strategies to Promote Your Pinterest on Shopify:

  1. Integrate Pinterest Buttons: Add 'Follow' and 'Pin It' buttons on your product pages. This allows visitors to easily follow your Pinterest account or pin your products to their boards. It's a subtle nudge, encouraging them to engage with your brand on Pinterest.
  2. Showcase Your Pinterest Feed: Consider integrating a live feed of your Pinterest boards or pins on your Shopify store, especially on the homepage or footer. It not only adds a visual element to your store but also prompts visitors to check out your Pinterest profile.
  3. Leverage Email Marketing: In your email newsletters or promotional campaigns, include a section promoting your Pinterest profile. A simple "Did you know we're on Pinterest? Follow us for exclusive pins!" can do wonders.
  4. Run Exclusive Pinterest Promotions: Create exclusive offers or discounts for your Pinterest followers and promote them on your Shopify store. It can incentivize your Shopify visitors to follow you on Pinterest.
  5. Use Blog Posts: If you have a blog section on your Shopify store, create content around your Pinterest presence. It could be a post like "Top 10 Most Pinned Products of the Month" or "Behind the Scenes: Crafting Our Pinterest Boards." This not only promotes your Pinterest but also offers fresh content for your blog.
  6. Engage in Collaborative Pinning: Invite loyal customers or influencers to pin on some of your boards. Then, showcase these collaborative boards on your Shopify store. It's a great way to build community and promote your Pinterest presence.

Remember the Two-Way Street:

While you're promoting your Pinterest on Shopify, don't forget to do the reverse. Ensure that your pins on Pinterest always link back to relevant product pages or blog posts on your Shopify store. It ensures that the traffic flows both ways, maximizing engagement and potential sales.

Promoting your Pinterest on Shopify and vice versa creates a loop of engagement, each platform feeding off the other's strengths. It's about creating multiple touchpoints with your audience, ensuring that wherever they engage with your brand, they're offered a seamless and cohesive experience.

Pinterest Ads for Maximum Traffic

Alright, we've covered the organic strategies, but if you're looking to supercharge your Pinterest traffic, it's time to talk about Pinterest Ads. Just like other platforms, Pinterest offers a robust advertising system that, when leveraged correctly, can drive a significant amount of targeted traffic to your Shopify store. Let's break down how to make the most of it:

Understanding the Power of Pinterest Ads:

Pinterest Ads, or Promoted Pins as they're often called, are regular pins that you pay to promote. The beauty? They don't feel like ads. They seamlessly blend into the user's feed, offering a non-intrusive advertising experience. And given the purchase-ready mindset of Pinterest users, these ads can offer impressive conversion rates.

Types of Pinterest Ads:

  1. Promoted Pins: These are your regular pins, but with a boost. They appear in the user's feed and search results, looking just like any other pin, but with a small "Promoted" label.
  2. Promoted Video Pins: If you've got engaging video content, this is your go-to ad format. They auto-play in the user's feed, grabbing attention instantly.
  3. Shopping Ads: Perfect for Shopify store owners! These ads automatically create pins from your product feed, showcasing them to users ready to make a purchase.
  4. Carousel Ads: A single ad with multiple images. Users can swipe through different products or aspects of a single product.

Crafting a Successful Pinterest Ad Campaign:

  1. Set Clear Objectives: Before diving in, know your goal. Is it brand awareness, website visits, or conversions? Your objective will guide your campaign strategy.
  2. Target the Right Audience: Pinterest offers detailed targeting options. From demographics to interests and even keyword targeting, ensure your ads reach the users most likely to engage and convert.
  3. Optimize Your Ad Creatives: Use high-quality images, engaging captions, and ensure the visual aligns with your brand. Remember, it's a visual platform, so your ad creatives need to stand out.
  4. Set Your Budget and Bid: Decide on a daily or lifetime budget for your campaign. Pinterest will suggest a bid amount based on competition, but you can adjust based on your budget and goals.
  5. Monitor and Optimize: Once your campaign is live, keep an eye on its performance. Use Pinterest's ad analytics and integrate it with your Shopify PPC strategy to get a holistic view. Adjust targeting, bids, or creatives based on performance.

Pro Tip: Consider using Pinterest's ad retargeting feature. You can retarget users who've visited your Shopify store but didn't make a purchase, offering them a tailored ad experience based on their browsing behavior.

Pinterest Ads offer a unique opportunity to tap into a platform where users are not just browsing but are actively looking to discover and purchase. By crafting well-thought-out ad campaigns, you can drive targeted traffic to your Shopify store, boosting sales and brand awareness. Ready to dive into the world of Pinterest advertising? Let's pin those ads to success!


We've journeyed through the vast and vibrant landscape of Pinterest marketing for Shopify, uncovering its potential at every turn. From the unique dynamics of Pinterest's user intent to the intricacies of SEO and the power of targeted advertising, it's evident that this platform holds a treasure trove of opportunities for e-commerce businesses.

But knowledge is just the starting point. The real impact comes from action. As you venture into implementing these strategies, remember that every Shopify store and its Pinterest audience is unique. It's a dance of experimentation, learning, and refining.

The digital realm is in constant flux. With platforms like Pinterest evolving, it's essential to stay updated, adapt, and innovate. Beyond the tactics and strategies, the heart of Pinterest lies in connection. It's a space to inspire, resonate, and build a community around your brand.

Dive deep into analytics, trust your instincts, and always keep the essence of your brand at the forefront. Celebrate the milestones, learn from the challenges, and let your passion shine through every pin.

As we wrap up this guide, envision Pinterest not just as another marketing tool, but as a canvas. A canvas where your brand can paint its story, connect with its audience, and thrive in the e-commerce landscape.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. Here's to a future filled with inspired pins and flourishing sales!


1. Is it free to set up a Pinterest business account?

Yes, it is free to set up a Pinterest business account.

2. How can I optimize my pins for search on Pinterest?

To optimize your pins for search on Pinterest, make sure to use keyword-rich descriptions, relevant hashtags, and clear, high-quality images.

3. Can Pinterest ads help drive traffic to my Shopify store?

Yes, utilizing Pinterest ads can effectively drive traffic to your Shopify store.

4. How can I promote my Pinterest account on my website?

You can promote your Pinterest account on your website by adding Pinterest follow and save buttons to your product pages and embedding Pinterest boards directly onto your website.

5. Is it important to create boards that are not strictly focused on my products?

Yes, creating boards that provide value to your audience can help establish your brand as an authority and build trust with your potential customers.

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